basic factors causing loss of hair
Healthy hair builds and maintains self confidence, develops personality
irrespective of gender, caste, creed, color or religion. Obviously people are
longing to have an eye catching style of hair and leave no effort to turn their
hair attractive. Ironically, still some of us cannot retain this beauty symbol
throughout the passage of life.
Basic reasons for hair loss may be classified
as below:-
1. Though
the portion of hair above the skin is constituted of dead cells but the live
cells beneath the skin grows regularly by getting the required nutrients like
Protein and essential Amino Acids from the blood. As such, non- reaching or
less reaching of this ingredients or deficiency of these nutrients in our food,
in other words, taking of imbalanced food may lead to hair loss.
2. Since
the required nutrients are reached to the root of the hair through blood,
therefore inadequate circulation of blood in the scalp hinders the reaching of
the required nutrients to the hair root and thereby causes loss of hair.
3. In
case of male, Androgenic Alopepsia contributes for baldness; this is a type of interference
of sex hormone whose flow is being determined by the receptors situated at the
bottom of the hair.
4. Fast
food and junk food if consumed in abundance, in place of balanced one, could
not ensure supply of adequate nutrient to the body and hence may contribute
towards rapid loss of hair.
5. Another
reason is the application of excessive heat treatment or use of strong chemicals
ruthlessly with an intention to bring the desired shape and style of hair by
simply ignoring its health.
6. Pollutant
materials like harmful chemicals, flavoring, coloring and preserving agents, present in the food is one more reason.
7. Sedentary
work style and insufficient physical movement, restricts the blood circulation
in the body thereby hinders enough flow of proteins to the hair and this
deficiency in turn translates into loss of hair.
8. Pollution
of environment, chemical effects of inorganic fertilizers and insecticides in
the food and consumption of contaminated drinking water is indirectly
responsible for the problem.
9. Because
of too much awareness with regard to beauty, hair and fashion sometimes people
treat the hair in an unwanted and unhealthy manner which may also be blamed for
hair loss.
10. Today’s
busy life style under stiff competition coupled with psychological tension and
anxiety in every sphere of life changes the metabolism of the body and leaves
its impression in the form of baldness.
11. Generally
there may not be any linkage between the hair loss and the disorder of stomach,
indigestion or chronic acidity but malfunction of liver may have some effect on
12. During
pregnancy, secretion of hormones may be above average, which generally drops
after delivery and there may be tendency of hair loss in some cases.
important tips to prevent hair loss.
1. Good
health and good habit goes a long way to have a lustrous and attractive hair.
2. Cleanliness
is next to hairlines. Scalp should be kept clean to avoid infection of fungus
and bacteria so as to prevent hair loss.
3. Consumption
of balanced diet and thereby ensuring uninterrupted supply of required
nutrients to the hair guards against baldness.
4. People
who does not have any scope for physical labor because of their very nature of
sedentary work culture should always resort to some sort of physical exercise
daily, so that proper movement of organs ensure enough blood circulation and
thereby guards against hair loss.
5. As
far as possible everyone should try to stick to consumption of natural/Home
made foods in substitution of chemically
blended or processed food because not only the chemical preservative present in
the processed food reaches harm to the body and hair but also the processed
food are very much prone to easy contamination.
6. Regular
intake of fried, rich and spicy food in plenty is also responsible for such problem;
easily digestible nutritious food should be preferred.
6. If
possible, everybody should concentrate on freehand exercise at least for a few
minutes a day which not only will contribute for good hair but also for good
7. Use
of chemical substances in the form of shampoo, oil or any coloring material in
whatsoever form it may be, in order to
look the hair shining should be strictly avoided. Use of herbal products in
place of chemical ones may be practiced.
8. Excessive
attention to make the hair more attractive by use of strong clips, combs or
brushes aggravates the problem and may be avoided.
9. Attitude
towards bleaching and dying of hair should be NO! NO!
10. Every
protection should be taken to get rid of dandruff otherwise hair loss may be
inevitable. Medicated shampoo preferably herbal ones may be used to keep the
scalp clean along with intake of plenty of water and balanced diet help to keep
the dandruff away.
11. Adequate
hour of sound sleep is necessary to maintain the good lustrous hair.
12. Message
particularly steroid drop message may be tried on case to case basis for regain
of lost hair.
13. Consumption
of Vitamin E capsules under medical supervision sometimes gives relief and
restricts havoc loss of hair.
14. Consumption of medicines to prevent hair loss
without proper medical supervision may lead to deteriorate the situation, hence
should not be resorted.
15. Anti
oxidants which may be obtained from fresh vegetables or fruits or from
medicines may be taken, of course, after consultation and under supervision of a
medical professional.
Thank you for reading.